Friday, February 28, 2020

Differentiates Between Sex and Gender Term Paper

Differentiates Between Sex and Gender - Term Paper Example The researcher states that gender role stereotypes in modern society are more constraining for females, but in certain ways, they are also constraining for males. For example, women are expected to be nurturers, expressive about their feelings and readily show emotion, whereas men are expected to take charge, be strong and think logically. The researcher would argue that this role differentiates dates all the way back to early hunter/gatherer societies, when men had to go out to find animals to kill for food and clothing, leaving the women behind to look after the children and perform other domestic chores. Finally, while most people belong to either the male or female sex, transsexuals have the organs of both sexes. This, plus the fact that they may identify themselves as more male than female or vice versa, may cause them great anxiety and confusion in a society which expects everyone to adopt wither male or female gender roles. This article states that in the past 30 years gender roles have been less specialized. This has made it incumbent on men to perform at least some of the traditionally female domestic chores. The article also discusses an interesting research finding that same-sex couples tend to have better relationships with their gender-neutral roles than traditional opposite-sex couples with strongly differentiated male and female roles since they incorporate both perspectives and therefore can better understand their partners’ needs. This source describes an anecdote involving President Coolidge and is therefore called The Coolidge Effect. Space does not permit detailing the story, but the idea behind it is that men want more sex partners than women do. The article describes 2 theories behind this assertion. 1) men prefer sex with strange women and 2) this is sexist claptrap. While there is some truth to both allegations, I feel the second more accurately describes the current situation. The evidence for this is the swinging lifestyle. Men wanting sexual variety often will persuade their wives to join, but once in it is usually the women who embrace it more. When it comes to sex women are the physically stronger sex because they don’t have a refractory (or recovery) period before they can have intercourse again.

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